Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just parsing through

Prorogue. It’s an interesting word. And it’s top of mind for many Canadians this week as we wonder what’s happening in our perplexing parliament.
Not even listed at Dictionary.com, prorogue is a British Parliamentary term that defines a situation when the Prime Minister arbitrarily postpones a vote rather than face the impending wrath of the House of Commons.
Let’s look at its etymology. Most online sources indicate this word comes from the Middle English term “prorogen”, and was derived from the Anglo-French “proroger”, and originally take from the Latin term “prorogare” meaning to “ask before”.
Now, I’m no scholar, but I have a different theory.
Doesn’t the Greek prefix “pro” mean to “be in favour”? And doesn’t the Anglo-Saxon term “rogue” translate into “scoundrel”?
Could it be “pro-scoundrel”?
Frankly, considering what’s happening in Ottawa this week, I think most Canadians would view my definition as being closer to the truth.

1 comment:

goooglemonster said...

One need only to look at the Israelis to see how coalition governments fare. Its a continuous process of collapse.

theres something humorous about East Vancouver here about to get a cabinet minister in this new coalition government.(5 to 6 NDP will get a post).. so im thinking Libby Davies will get a cabinet position. This is something akin to blue moons.. hell freezing over etc...

but im all for it..hey something different is always good.

..and as someone at the bar joked last night..she will make a good defence minister. Hmmm... haha..

I am of the firm belief that people get what they deserve. Canadians being the sit back and let the world move on types we are..are getting a rather stiff dose of the medicine we deserve.

Honestly, a coalition government made up of 3 opposition parties etc.. will be no worse. Scary thought they might actually accomplish something(though i doubt that((im cynical im canadian)).. but just announcing things like auto industry bailouts is a losing cause to begin with. Not that we shouldnt preserve jobs..but that the companies are non competitive in the first place. So I see us going down the same path of the last big recession of the early 80s where the ??Liberal?? government put us billions of dollars into debt. Which of course no one paid off..and now here we are again.. just where we were expected to end up eventually. Except..no one paid off the bill.

Everyone can criticize the americans..but we really arent that far off..not really. I think that Canadians just dont want to admit the truth that they realize that their politicians are typical politicians. Failures.

The loss of confidence in Ottawa really just mirrors all of Canadians loss of confidence in elected officials.
whatever.. life will go on.
